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What if my driver doesn't have any of the travel documents available?

Posted by Jason Berberich on December 30, 2006

One travel document is required for a driver to be setup and approved in the e-Manifest program. This document can be one of the following:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Border Crossing Card
  3. US Visa
  4. Passport
  5. US Permanent Resident
  6. Certificate of Naturalization
  7. Citizenship Card
  8. Reentry Permit
  9. Refugee Permit

If your driver doesn’t have a Birth Certificate Number or Passport Number, your best bet will be to get a Citizenship Number in Canada, or a Travel Document in the US.

Follow this link to get a Canadian Citizenship Card. Note: it will cost you $75.

Follow this link to get a US Travel Document. (PDF) Note: it will cost you $170.

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