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e-Manifest Trips Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Trip Receipt? What does it look like?

Either a Manifest Form 7533 or an e-Manifest Trip Receipt is currently required by CBP at time of crossing. A 7533 is currently required at all non-ACE ports. Here’s a sample 7533. Here’s a sample e-Manifest Trip Receipt.
Sample e-Manifest Trip Receipt
Greeneye can email or fax you your Form 7533 and/or e-Manifest Trip Receipt when your e-Manifest Trip is confirmed.

Do my Drivers need Passports?

When I add a driver to an e-Manifest Trip, do they need a Passport? The US State Department has the following information on their website regarding the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. While that site says that a Passport may not be necessary until “Summer 2008”, we are seeing rejected Trips if your driver does not have either a FAST ID or a Passport. It may be wise to have your drivers obtain Passports, if at all possible.

Please phone us with any questions.

Comments (1)


If driver does not have passport, they can also use birth certificate to get ACE IDs.

What is an e-Manifest Attempt?

Customs has stated in their Enforcement Plan that in Phase 2, any truck without an e-Manifest attempt will be denied permit to proceed (that means denied entry into the US and turned around). Since Phase 2 begins in less than two weeks for some ports, it’s important to understand what is a valid attempt at an e-Manifest Trip.

“Phase 2: …CBP will deny a permit to proceed into the U.S. to any carrier, required to submit an e-Manifest, which arrives without submitting or attempting an e-Manifest…”

In correspondence with Jim Swanson, Chief Cargo Release Branch of the Office of Field Operations with US Customs, Greeneye has been informed that a Trip Receipt including a Trip Number is sufficient to proof of an attempt.

{Please request a Problem Ticket in any instance where you hear otherwise.}

What Should I Use for an e-Manifest Trip Number?

There are a couple of requirements when it comes to picking your Trip Number for an e-Manifest:

  1. It must be unique for at least one year
  2. It must be different from the Shipment Control Number (SCN) or Pre-Arrival Processing System (PAPS) number.

Our recommendations:

  1. If you’ve already got a unique Bill of Lading Number, use that for your Trip Number.
  2. Otherwise, we recommend using the numeric part of the PAPS number with a suffix of “a”. For example, with PAPS number GEYE123456789, the Trip Number would become 123456789a

Comments (1)


Trip numbers can be repeated within 1 year. Each submission to CBP is unique with its trip number and date of arrival. Try sending 2 trips with same number and different date of arrival, they will get accepted.

What privileges does FAST give me?

  1. Dedicated lanes (where available) for greater speed and efficiency in the clearance of FAST Trans-border shipments
  2. Reduced number of examinations for continued compliance with Customs FAST requirements as well secondary priority processing
  3. A strong and ongoing partnership with the Canadian Partners in Protection (PIP) and Customs (C-TPAT) administrations
  4. Enhanced supply chain security and safety while protecting the economic prosperity of the United States, Mexico, and Canada
  5. For carrier participants, the knowledge that they are transporting shipments for a C-TPAT approved importer, and on the southern border, a C-TPAT manufacturer

When does a trip qualify for the 30-minute FAST privilege?

  1. The carrier is C-TPAT approved
  2. The importer is C-TPAT approved
  3. The driver has a FAST Card

How far in advance does the e-Manifest need to be submitted to Customs?

e-Manifests should be submitted at least 1 hour for regular shipments and at least 30 minutes for FAST-approved shipments.

Do I Need a PAPS sticker when filing an e-Manifest?

Do not place PAPS barcode labels on any forms to be handed to CPB officers in primary booths if you have filed ACE e-Manifest.

If invoices and PAPS bar-coded manifests are provided to the driver, they should remain in the driver’s control and not be given to CBP except upon request. CBP Officers will use these documents in the case of system downtime or validation/examination of shipment.

Comments (2)

Diane Berube:

How do I obtain a PAPS number without purchasing PAPS labels. E-Manifests require PAPS number but not the label. Cannot generate an e-Manifest with out this number.

Hey Diane,

Great question. PAPS *Labels* are no longer required. However like you state, a PAPS/SCN Number is required. Having PAPS Labels created makes it easier to quickly assign a PAPS Number to your shipment, although it is not necessary.

In cases where you do not have PAPS Labels, Greeneye recommends you use a date/time format for your PAPS Number, now called a Shipment Control Number. Here's an example: GEYE103020071301. When using your own number, be sure to *clearly* identify the PAPS/SCN on your paperwork.

Best Wishes,
Harry Orin Wood

What does my driver need to give to the officer at the booth?

If an e-Manifest has been submitted, let the officer know. They will pull up your information via your primary license plate. - You should not provide any documents with PAPS barcodes. If the officer would like to see paperwork, provide a Trip Receipt or, as a last resort, a 7533 Inward Cargo Manifest.

Are my seal numbers required for e-Manifest?

They are generally not required. However, they may become mandatory for certain conveyance types or shipments.

Do I need to file a separate manifest for each broker I am using?

When you send an e-Manifest to CBP, you send just one manifest. The manifest can contain multiple shipment records, each identified by a unique shipment control number (SCN). The broker must reference the shipment control number(s) when filing the entry.

The broker download process lets you identify a broker at the shipment level so that ACE will send a copy of your shipment declaration to the broker. The broker also needs the commercial invoice information in order to file an entry, so you should continue to make sure that the broker receives this information from either yourself or the exporter.

Comments (2)


Am I missing a step when I do my e-manifest? I thought just doing the manifest I was good. I thought that was eliminating the broker out of it. Confused... do I still send the information to the broker, and let them know I've already done the ACE?

The e-Manifest is intended to supplement the Customs entry with information about the movement of physical goods between a shipper and deliver-to party. We have an article that may help you: Understanding the Difference Between e-Manifests and Customs Entries.

If you still have questions after reading that, please give us a call at the number at the top of the page. We'd be happy to help you.



What is the proper way to choose the Port of Lading?

You should use the province where the last shipment was loaded.

What are the different Bill of Lading types?

  1. A Regular Bill of Lading applies to most shipments
  2. Sec 321 are most shipments with values under $200
  3. Line Release are BRASS shipments used by FAST approved drivers only

Does it cost money to file e-Manifest?

The U.S. government does not charge fees to file e-Manifest. However, carriers may choose a certified service providers to file submissions on their behalf, for a fee determined by the service provider.

We recommend considering the time and personnel costs of using the Customs ACE Portal and look at Greeneye e-Manifest as an fast and easy alternative. Also consider that Greeneye gives you the option of filing your e-Manifests via fax and phone.

Do I need both a trip receipt and a 7533 manifest at an ACE Implemented Port?

No, just one of the two is required.

Do I need a 7533 manifest (Inward Cargo Manifest)?

You are required to have a 7533 if you are crossing at a Port of Entry that has not been implemented on ACE.

You are required to have a 7533 or a e-Manifest Trip Receipt if you are crossing at a Port of Entry that has been implemented on ACE.

How do I update/amend an e-Manifest?

An amendment code is required to explain why you are amending the manifest. With Greeneye e-Manifest, that code is transmitted when you make a change to a previously sent e-Manifest. The one hour clock also restarts when you create an amendment. In the ACE Secure Data Portal, the action of editing a manifest that has been sent to CBP automatically activates the amendment process.